About Mackenzie

Welcome to our little corner of the internet that we like to call “Becoming Boulder”.  My name’s Mackenzie and I am so excited to be starting a joint blog with some of my best friends that I was so lucky to meet here at CU.

I’m currently majoring in Political Science and plan to go to law school after finishing my undergraduate.  I was born in Maryland and moved to Colorado when I was six.  I got the “Politics Bug” from my dad and was lucky enough to grow up in a house where watching Election Day footage was as exciting as the Super Bowl, and going to the White House Easter Egg Hunt as a child was completely taken for granted; I memorized the preamble of the Constitution in 4th grade for fun, and went to political campaign rallies before I knew what the difference between a Democrat and a Republican was - and I have loved every second of it.  Washington D.C. is probably my favorite city in the world and I can’t wait to work on Capitol Hill after I graduate, but Colorado will always be my home.

I love to travel, read, spend time with good friends, ski, explore the beautiful town of Boulder, play tennis and much more, and I’m so excited to share it all with you.  To learn more about me visit my personal blog over here.


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