About Melissa

Hello there! My name is Melissa, and at the beginning of this year I met the incredible girls with whom I share this blog. I have never been a part of a group of girls that meshed this well, and I am so excited to see where this blog (and, you know, our lives) end up!

I am a freshman at CU Boulder majoring in International Affairs and considering pursuing a double major or minor in a variety of subjects at the moment. A Florida native but a Colorado girl, I love being outside and exploring new places and going on adventures. The best view is the one from a horse’s back, and I have been lucky enough to spend a disproportionate amount of my life riding and being inspired by horses. I have a love of words and knowledge, and spend as much of my free time reading as I can (“haha free time” my homework snickered as I write this). I like to dabble, wonder, wander, think, and talk with the people I love most. I firmly believe that laughter is the best medicine, and I have to organize my M&Ms by color before I eat them. I love hearing about different parts of the world and how other people live. I want to spend my life traveling, broadening my own horizons, and pushing myself to limits I didn’t even know I had. 

I couldn't be more excited to spend the next few years in Boulder with these amazing girls, and I can’t wait to see what this blog becomes!


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