About Stephanie

Hello friends. My name is Stephanie, and I joined in on this crazy adventure with six of my best friends to create a blog that will explore our thoughts, emotions, and the craziness that is living in Boulder (especially the weather).  I was born and  raised in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the U.S, and yes it truly does only take an hour to drive from one end to the other. I currently attend the University of Colorado Boulder and am pursuing a double major in Marketing and Studio Art.

I have a love for people and their hearts, and wish each and every person could realize their worth. I have an unhealthy obsession with books, and will sit and read for hours on end if given the opportunity.  I love capturing the beauty of life through my camera, and intend to pursue Photography later on.  I am a movie fanatic, spider-hating, ice-cream loving silly person. I love life and I love the people I share it with, which I hope shines through more than anything else in this blog.


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