Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Everyone struggles with figuring out how to sift through every day struggles. And I mean everyone, so here is my way to combat those thoughts of negativity and worthlessness, and to come alongside you in a way that shows you are not alone.  I am going to write you letters. Letters of encouragement, letters of what I believe to be true, and letters very precisely bringing the pain and hurt of today's world to the forefront, and addressing it.  The art of letter writing is one that is being put on the back-burners for people do not see its worth, yet I believe letters are powerful forms of communication and affirmation. Affirmation that you are not alone. That you are beautiful and precious (handsome if you're a fella reading this). And that you are unique and of worth.  With that, I am going to write you your first letter.

Letter #1

Dear You,

I am going to be honest with you.  I don't feel worthy sometimes. I don't feel perfect. I actually feel quite broken, and I firmly believe that I am not alone in that sentiment.  I have heard girls say they need to fix themselves or change themselves for something or someone. But here is what I am going to tell you - beautiful, incredible you.  You do NOT have to fix or change yourself for anyone or anything.  Let me reiterate that because it is definitely not something you hear every day. 

You do not, nor will you ever have to change yourself for anyone.  Never believe that you must be fixed in order to obtain some type of socially set ideal. 

God created you. Not only did he create You, he called you Tov, meaning that you are good, beautiful, and working the way you are supposed to.  He does not call you unworthy, or imperfect, or point out flaws in your appearance as society is all too quick to do today; but rather he considers you perfect in his eyes.  He designed you, with his own hands. He tells you that you are enough for him. You don't have to change, you don't have to feel inadequate just because the socially ideal body shape for a woman is one that is only possible for roughly 8% of women today. 

You are precious.

So please don't think that you are a toy in need of fixing merely because society is stupid in setting its ideals for women (and men). You are a woman, an innately beautiful being. Embrace your quirks and imperfections for they are what makes your beauty unique. They are what sets you apart from every other who tries to homogenize themselves with a silly ideal.  So go out and boldly show off those quirks which make you unique. For they are what makes you, you. And one day, someone will fall in love with you, quirks and all, and will thank God that you didn't "fix" yourself. For merely being yourself, your true self, is one of the simplest, boldest, most beautiful things a girl can do in today's society. 

With Love


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