Monday, February 23, 2015

Meet Hannah.

Hey there, I’m Hannah! Resident “mother”, future doctor, drama queen of words, fun loving redhead always looking for a good dance party to crash with my ridiculous moves.

I am studying Integrative Physiology and plan on going to medical school to become a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. I am completely enamored with the human body and its incredible abilities, but even more so, I love helping people. So if you have any health questions, just ask me- I can probably diagnose you based on all the medical journals I’ve read and the surgeries I’ve watched on YouTube. (Completely kidding)

Lover of stripes, coffee, Christmas, tennis, traveling, my dachshund Bella and black cat Jack, summer nights, red rainboots, and J.Crew. You can also find me over here, blogging my love letter to life. 

I am so excited to be blogging with my best friends! They are as precious as gold and I look forward to preserving our thoughts, stories, life lessons, and memories together. Hopefully you’ll love us as much as I love us! ;) 


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