Monday, February 23, 2015

Meet Courtney.

Hi! My name is Courtney, and welcome to our blog! I’m 19 years old and currently studying English at the University of Colorado Boulder, in hopes of one day pursuing a career in editing and publishing. Until then, I’m loving every second I get to spend at this beautiful school with my beautiful friends! When I’m not in class I spend my free time running trails down by Boulder creek, hiking in the mountains, and visiting my family (and my adorable golden retriever, Elle Mae!) in good ol' Greeley, Colorado . I love a good adventure—whether I’m experiencing it firsthand or reading about it in one of my favorite books. My other obsessions include eating copious amounts of dark chocolate, all things related to Harry Potter, coffee, coffee, and more coffee, and my sophisticated and very originally named Manx cat, Mr. Kitty.  

I can’t wait to share snapshots and stories from our lives with all of you! I’m so lucky to have met such wonderful and unique individuals here in Boulder—and I’m even luckier to be able to call them my closest friends! 


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